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Igab Project

From a regional geological perspective, the IGAB project is situated in northeast Suriname where the northern limb of the Marowijne Greenstone belt bifurcates from an east-west orientation to a north-south and east-west at the nose of a regional fold. Artisanal alluvial and saprolite mining occurs on and around this regional fold structure, whilst locally the project extent straddles a contact zone between a large granodiorite intrusion underlying the southern portion of the property, and a mafic volcanic/metasedimentary rock unit that dominates the majority of the area to the north (see Figure 1).

Previous work on behalf of the Suriname government and recent work by the concession holder confirm the presence of alteration and shearing along the granodiorite-volcanic contact, whilst grab samples collected in an area previously mined by the concession holder returned highlighted assays of 94.2 g/t Au, 56.0 g/t Au and 4.0 g/t Au (see Figure 1). Additional grab samples from the granodiorite taken over 3 km to the south of this location returned assay highlights of 5.6 g/t Au and 2.0 g/t Au and indicate the potential for a significant gold mineralized system within the project area.

Several aspects of the geological setting of IGAB are similar to that of the recent Oko West discovery (previously  discovered by the Greenheart Gold exploration and management team under Reunion Gold Corporation and containing a gold resource of 4.3 Moz Au in measured and indicated resources, plus 1.6 Moz Au in inferred resources) including its geological setting along the contact between a major granitic batholith and volcanic/sedimentary units that were subject to significant shearing and alteration, and indications of gold mineralization demonstrated by artisanal mining in close proximity to the contact zone. Despite IGAB’s favorable geologic setting, proximity to Newmont’s Merian mine, and the active artisanal mining, to the best of the Company’s knowledge the property has seen little exploration for primary gold deposits using modern methods, and therefore makes it an attractive exploration target.

Regional Location Map inc Igab.jpg

Figure 1 - Location of the IGAB project, 30 km due south of the Merian mine operated by Newmont

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