Our projects are located in highly prospective Guiana Shield of South America.
Our projects are located in the highly prospective Guiana Shield of South America.
The Guiana Shield remains one of the most prospective locations globally for exploration
The Guiana Shield remains one of the most prospective and under-explored regions globally for the discovery of world class orogenic gold deposits. As a host to many large greenstone belts, the region is already well-endowed with a substantial number of large gold deposits, including currently operating and former mines such as Aurora and Omai in Guyana and Rosebel and Merian in Suriname.
In total, more than 140 million ounces of gold are estimated to have been discovered in the Guiana Shield (see figure 1). Despite the substantial discoveries to date, the Shield is believed to hold enormous potential for further discovery as it remains relatively under explored due to a combination of factors including dense jungle cover, poor infrastructure, challenging claim ownership regimes and historic geopolitical factors. That said, we feel that Greenheart Gold has a proven ability to work within this challenging environment and that, with increased exploration activities in the Shield, many more significant gold discoveries could emerge in the coming years. We are working to position Greenheart Gold to participate and take a lead in these potential future discoveries.
Greenheart Gold’s Project Philosophy
Greenheart Gold intends to compile, maintain and evolve a pipeline of exploration projects in Guyana and Suriname. The goal is to rapidly and effectively assess their exploration potential, using a combination of geological mapping, structural framework delineation, geochemical and geophysical surveys, and drill testing. Initially many of these projects will be early-stage projects and exhibit, at a minimum, the key components we feel are required in the geological setting, with indications of a potential nearby gold system coming from proximal alluvial and or artisanal mining. Owing to its team’s knowledge of the Guiana Shield and past success, Greenheart Gold appears to be uniquely positioned to explore these promising early-stage projects with the benefit of a healthy cash-balance.
From initial work programs, the company evaluates whether to rapidly advance the project to resource delineation or to replace the project with a new opportunity. We will work in partnership with local stakeholders, whose support is important in acquiring and exploring new opportunities. Greenheart Gold is committed to put as much money as possible into the ground, which we believe is a key driver of success in the exploration business.